Dreaming Light
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:04 p.m.
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91 KB
Sudd-en-ly life has new mean-ing Sudd-en-ly feel-ing is be-ing And you shine in-side and love stills my mind like the sun-rise dream-ing light of the sun-rise Sudd-en-ly don't have to be a-frai-d Sudd-en-ly (it)all falls in-to pl-ace And you shine in-side and love stills my mind like the sun-rise dream-ing light of the sun-rise dream-ing light And you shine in-side and love stills my mind like the sun-rise dream-ing light of the sun-rise I'm feeling you (but)I don't real-ly know you I dreamed of you from the mo-ment I saw you And I've seen (the)sun-r-ise in your eyes the Sky the sea the light Live your dream be-neath the no-rth-ern hor-i-zon Be at peace and set your hea-rt in flight a-gain (for)the light is truth The light is you
This tab was created using the following software:
Guitar Pro 5.2
Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3
This tab has NOT been optimised to be played back
with the RSE - if you use the RSE you may need to
tweak the volume levels etc. to suit your own
Update History:
[ 30th May 2010 ]
* Tab completed
[ 20th January 2010 ]
* Added missing lead guitar fill (bars 12 to 15)